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Introduction to Meditation

virginia creeper I hope all your worries have wafted away.... it's a useful technique to remember!

Now it's time to think about meditation. There are many different ways of, and uses for, meditation. The Chill Out course uses it as a relaxation technique.

Positive Thouughts Quiz

First of all, it's useful to know how to spot negative self-talk and to be able to change it. This little quiz gives you a chance to look at the world in a different way.

Spot the Smiles

Smiling face There's a game where you have to spot the smiling face amongst the neutral and scowling faces.

After the Whole Body Relaxation

I hope you enjoyed the Whole Body Relaxation. Once you know the routine, it's another useful technique for falling asleep.

Now we're coming to the end of Relax Your Body!

Before we end the session, I'd be really grateful if you'd complete a quick feedback form.

More About Visualisations

Visualisation, or guided meditation, feels a bit like daydreaming.

It’s simple and safe and you can stop at any time if you need to.

How to Take The Test

When you take the test, you’ll be asked 41 short questions. If you have experienced the life crisis within the last year, the click 'Yes'. If not, click 'No'.

You may find that an event like your wedding covers a range of events from, obviously, marriage to a holiday (aka a honeymoon) to gaining new family members!.


Everyone talks about stress, so let’s start by pinning down what stress actually is.

You’ll see some definitions next. Which one most matches how you think of stress?

Printable Action Plan

In case you aren't sure if it's what you are looking for, here's a picture of the Action Plan.

Click here to open a printable Action Plan.

If you save the Action Plan to your desktop or documents file, you will be able to print it off.

Don't worry - it will open in a new page! Once you have saved it, you can close the page and you'll find you are back here again.

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