
Welcome to the Chill Out course!

Park in spring Chill Out is here to help you learn to relax. It's a fun course, full of relaxation techniques to help you to calm down, as well as quizzes and explanations. You'll find out how your diet can stress you out, why daylight is important, how to use the Cheery-o-meter and much more.

Chill Out is a 5 day course, but you can take it as slowly as you like. Each session covers a different aspect of dealing with stress and the course is designed for you to take at a slow, relaxed pace so you'll find it's best if you don't whizz through.

In case you wondered...

It's all FREE! No catches, no adverts, just a relaxing experience.

One day at a time!

Remember, this course is designed for you to work through at a day at a time but if you want to go more slowly, you can. The longer sessions are split into parts, and you can just try one part per day if that's easier.

Using the buttons

You'll see there are small 'Next' buttons inside animations, quizzes and videos. Once you've finished using these, you can move on or back to a new page of the course by using the big buttons at the bottom of the page.


Click on 'Getting Going (part 1)' below to begin using the Dashboard. The course starts here! You'll see the Dashboard button in the top right hand corner so you can get back whenever you want.

The Course

Day 1

Introduction to the course, discussing stress, and how to relax.
Getting Going (part 1)
Getting Going (part 2)

Day 2

How stress shows up in your body, and how to relax.
Relax Your Body (part 1)
Relax Your Body (part 2)
Relax Your Body (part 3)

Day 3

How stress shows up in your mind, and how to relax.
Calm Your Thoughts (part 1)
Calm Your Thoughts (part 2)
Calm Your Thoughts (part 2)

Day 4

How stress shows up in your feelings and behaviour, and how to relax.
Soothe Your Feelings and Free Yourself (part 1)
Soothe Your Feelings and Free Yourself (part 2)

Day 5

Putting it all together
Final Steps to Relaxation

The Library

Background information, further information and credits.
Enter the Library