I hope all your worries have wafted away.... it's a useful technique to remember!
Now it's time to think about meditation. There are many different ways of, and uses for, meditation. The Chill Out course uses it as a relaxation technique.
The idea is to switch off your chattering inner voice and to be aware of the here and now. This can be very difficult if you've never done it before so, to start with, we're going to use sound and vision to keep you focussed. Don't worry if you forget what you're doing and start thinking about your dinner, for example. The fact that you noticed you were doing it is a sign that you have brought yourself back to the meditation. Just let the thoughts go.
In this first meditation, you'll see some lights gradually changing colour. If you watch carefully, you'll find that every so often, they are all the same colour for a moment. It's very easy to miss if you aren't focussing on the lights. There's some music and sounds in the background. Some people prefer to concentrate on the changes in this instead.
It doesn't matter which works best for you. Your only aim is to get into a state of relaxation for a few minutes. So, uncross your arms and legs, sit comfortably and give it a try...